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Our Process - Speaking Engagements + Presentations

Interested in booking us for a live or virtual presentation about our work, the saints, and iconography?

Just message us for details!

In our standard hour-long presentation. You’ll hear about the beginnings of Gracie Morbitzer’s project The Modern Saints: learn how her transition to college, experience as a Resident Advisor, yard sales, social media, and the Covid-19 Pandemic all influenced this project that began, really, by accident! She will explain the choices behind her “contemporary” depictions of the saints, and how she sees this project as a mission to help us find the saints more relatable, discover some of their lost wisdom, begin to correct cultural erasure performed by the Church, and make art that can really change perspectives. She will touch on the practice of iconography, studies on religious art, and the importance of representation. There will be time for Q+A, and the presentation will be followed by a guided creative activity that furthers these ideas for each individual.

We also present on building your own iconographic practice! This workshop covers the history, materials, process, symbolism, and methods of traditional iconography. Then, using some new methods and materials, we will craft a “modern icon” of our own. Gracie will also be discussing her own process in creating the icons and how she made those decisions. She’ll be sharing examples of iconography and Christian art and history from around the world. Participants are asked to bring a repurposed material to use as the canvas for the piece, as well as whatever medium they’d like to work with. Some basic materials will be provided.

We also coordinate gallery shows, will submit pieces for group shows, and book for retreats and large events.


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